Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Litho of BOBBY!!!!!

I started Lithography last week. Looking forward to this as I only had a brief encounter with it last year. After initiall demonstrations I prepared my plate for usage. Grinding the stone proved difficult but I got there in the end (with a broken back, may I add)- I am sure this gets easier with practise.
I explored possible images for my litho. For my first one ( I'll be doing two) I have decided to do a portrait sytle drawing of my good friend Dwans dog Bobby. Bobby was rescued from the house a week after his owner had died. Dawn has provided him with a happy home to live out the rest of his life. I want to capture Bobbys personality and his appreciation to be getting a second chance at life.
After apllying gum arabic to the rim of my plate and measuring my paper size I drew Bobby onto the stone using Crayons No.3 No.4 and No.5. Once happy with the image I applied the first ethching and I am currently waiting to take my first proofs of the image.
Ill update again during the week when progress has been made.
I have been continuing to work away on my sketchbook, drawing various depictions of dogs and playing around with ideas and images. Photoshop is proving to be the great tool that it is im helping me to experiment with collage.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Iv just finished my 3 week block of etching. I spent the few weeks experimenting with my chosen image and combined etching, drypoint and aquatint along with monoprinting in my work. I didn't want to detract from capturing the essence of the dog but played around with the image alot. I tried out different colour combinations and materials. I love to play with collage and Chine Colle. I used wallpaper, material, wool and newspaper clippings to create texture and bring an element of fun to my work. My first dog's registration documents and details  incorporate some personal detail to my prints. Throughout this time I continued to work on my sketchbook, playing with images, doing drawings and collage work.

I also started work on Photoshop which I found to be a huge help and influence on making my prints more absract. Iv been scanning in my origonal prints and working into them with Photoshop tools.

Starting Lithography next week and so I'm trying to come up with a suitable image to use. I was toying with the idea of changing my theme but have opted against this. Instead I am going to look at how dog's enrich our lives. Their intellect and genius is utilised in so many ways...guide dogs, rescue dogs etc. Im also going to look at animal cruelty and welfare. Dogs are such resilient creatures and their strenght of character and intelligence shines above their somewhat innocent, playful mannerisms. I am hoping to capture this in my image.

I always like my themes and subject matter to strike a personal chord. Dogs have always played an important part in my life and the loyalty and love shown to me by my own dogs has taught me so much.

Throughout my work you can see my progression develope and my confidence with experimentation. I didn't loose the original concept of the image...humanizing animals and portraying the essence of the dog -which stemmed from newspaper articles.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ideas, ideas, ideas.....Blending Politics, pictures and text to tell stories!!!!!

Being presented with a new brief always conjurs up a small sence of panic in my mind!!! However, after some brainstorming and initial research I begin to see a path or theme I feel I can follow with my work. This brief asked us to look at the newspapers and tell a story through the means of visualization. this can be through the use of pictures, text or both.
I knew I didn't want to focus on the main news headlines. I wanted to work on a theme that not only interests me but also didn't involve depressing news like the recession, wars, hunger, crime etc.
I began to look for stories that brought a smile to my face. I love animals, especailly dogs, and felt myself focusing on news involving them. I thought it might be fun to look at how animals and humans are so alike. I also love fashion so began combining the three elements- animals, humans and clothes.

 I sketched images of dogs and used collage to dress them in the latest fashion. I suppose I am almost humanising them in my images. I also want to capture the essence of the dog and how they play an important part in our lives (or should I say my life). They repesent for me love and companionship. I always say that dogs are practically human, especially my own dog!!! My sketchbook consists of initiall drawings and collage work that illustrates this. I also looked up stories on Animal Welfare sites and conjured some images of dogs that have their own little life story to tell.

I created an image suitable to work on for my etching and aquatint block. I am having fun playing with the image and experimenting with colour. I had never done an aquatint so was pretty nervous doing my first one. However, I was pleasantly surprised and excited with the result.

 The following images are taken from my sketchbook. They conjure up my theme and the show a flow in my development of ideas!!!